@Erick M. Thank you for your response. The thing is that with the VA loan we are thinking about getting it requires us to be owner occupants for at least a year I believe. I don't think we would be able to buy a place in say the Bay Area or Texas, Hawaii, etc and then live in NY. We are both originally from NYC and have roots here so I'm pretty sure I can relearn the area(we have been gone for 10+ years) with the help of local friends and family. I did the math and after 4 years the military will pay us approx. 2700 per month BAHx12=32,400 per year x 4 years= 129,600 of that on a traditional 400k loan 22,113 will be paid to the principal while 71,536 will be paid in interest. Taxes and insurance will work out to about 22k as well with conservative estimates. That puts us at around 115k paid over 4 years, meaning about 14k extra after 4 years and 22k worth of equity not including any appreciation or tax benefits. I also thought about the idea of renting it out to other military families that move to the area we we inevitably have to move again. The longer have the property the better the numbers end up at so it seems. Also the sprawl of NYC just keeps getting bigger, 15 years ago Brooklyn was the hood, now its more expensive than anyone would have imagined. Maybe the same thing could happen to SI, not counting on it but just a thought and a nice bonus. Would love any and all thoughts on if I'm in the right mindset