I'm not sure what the last picture is. If that's a shower rod...try to hit a stud next time. If it's a door handle, you'll want to add a wall protector where the handle hits the wall.
The spindle is most likely your responsibility to fix, probably shouldn't be, but unless your tenants admit to causing the damage you're in for a bit of a fight if you want them to pay while they're living there and didn't ask for any repairs. (it's a safety issue -- a broken railing can cause a major injury which could get you sued and, even if it broke because of the tenant, you'll have to prove that they did it.
@Thomas S.
Why would you even consider renewing their lease if they'd treat the property in such a manner and are "animals"? Personally at this point if I wanted to renew their lease I'd do it and ignore the damage, if I didn't like the damage I'd not renew their lease and take the repairs out of their security deposit and find someone else.