Well Congratulations !
I like your comment on the 9-5 I have been running from it for a long time. I just had my birth day and realized that the 9-5 isn't so bad. In my short live span I started working when I was 14 with my grandfather, during the summers. I was motivated and didn't like school cause it was to much like a 9-5 job. I enjoyed working with grampapy.
Later I joined the Marines and proud of it served 8 years. While in the corps I had my first and second child, Way more than a 9-5 full time all the time. I decided to go back to school to better my self and my family. To become an Officer in the Marines. Marines full time, Family full time, School full time. It was like having 3 full time jobs. I gave it all cause I wanted it all.
Well in short, My wife found some one else, I dropped out of school ( couldn't Make the grades) Got forced out of the Marines. Decided to move to Hawaii found a job 7-4. Loved the ocean hated the bills. Moved back home Started a Company in contracting. Did fairly well for 2 years. But It turned out to be 6-8 hour job. Yes 14 hours a day doing estimates and payroll for 20 Employees. And managing Projects, Not to mention being a single father of two.
So Now I have a job, I leave home for 2 weeks and work 14 hrs every day. Go home for 2 weeks on my days off I find my self looking for properties around the country on the internet, crunching numbers and or working on the properties that I currently have 6 to 10 hours a day, Either my self or managing contractors.
Here is what i have found. Life is 9-5 no way around it. So the trick is to find something that you enjoy, love it and live it. Happiness is key, money can not buy it and it is hard to find. Even if you lived off the grid and off the land just to gather food is at least a 9-5. Living on the streets homeless is a 9-5. Being a stay at home parent is more than a 9-5.
So my conclusion is any thing you do is going to be a 9-5, searching, buying, flipping and managing properties is no different. You worked hard to get where you are today. And you are going to have to work hard to get to where you want to be in the future. Just try to find the happiest route their.
Just for those who are wondering I am happily remarried and all my children live with me. I do have a full time job. Which I love the people I work with and I enjoy managing and flipping my properties. So I guess I am successfully happy. Just not rich.
I do want to say thanks and good luck to: Nathaniel Parr and fellow BP Members
P.S. What ever you do Enjoy it and love it. Cause if you don't then you will hate it!!!