OK. So with 20% down my unlocked rate on LE says 3. 5% and I'm now adjusted to a primary residence .
No points, just their standard underwriting $1,395 fee.
I should add, I decided to coapply with a higher earning family member, based on my low W2 income, coupled with my rental income, since we both have excellent credit. Not sure if this makes a difference. We both have liquid assets which could cover the $40,000 deposit and reserves but on my own seems DTI was too high.
Property will make a great house hack if deals goes through, perhaps even more so than previous one.
With PITI under $1,000 and possible rental at $2,300 with me living there.
Man, time flies by so fast esp 2020, we're almost through June. Rewind to end of 2017 when I bought my first primary residence fixer upper which turned out to be a live-in flip. Now I've got the 2 years reported income on tax return so I know I'm gonna snowball my way to Financial Freedom.
Thanks to the BP family and I'll definitely be reaching out to some of you that have offered to connect.
Peace, Blessings, Good Health, Wealth and Humility to us all!