Originally posted by @Matthew Paul:
Well a contractors license in Maryland ( MHIC) means you passed the test . Its all contract law . The license is required for home improvements , so a landscaper , a roofer , a paving contractor , a painter , and a window installer all take the SAME test . The test has nothing to do with building codes , or building at all . AND it was an open book test .
This is exactly what I am talking about.. These contractor license required states are basically allowing by law a contractor to lie to a customer legally and knowingly that they are qualified because they bare a license. It dons't mean they know a single thing about building at all. It gives the clients false and misleading information that the contractor is qualified to do the job in which they are hired for. Where I live, our state offers several different contractor licenses which do test for forms, electrical, excavation, construction, ICC's and IRC among business and law's. But the specialty license doesn't test for any trade at all. Which is so misleading that they offer such a license. The test is actually a Business test that consists of 29 questions. So at the end of the test which doesn't cover any building codes, any trade construction and nothing else that matters to a customer just simply tells people you can take a test and use a no. 2 pencil.