Hi Ron S,
Thank you for the feedback. I do completely agree that “this has gotta be the most sarcastic response,” YET I have to disagree that it is true.
I think that the main problem is all of the presuppositions you made and some others statements/questions I might need some clarification on.
*I am in the state of Florida; all counties do keep online depositories and there are MANY other resources at our disposal (can’t be sharing sources now can I?). This should answer your Data availability problem.
So, let me address your post Point by Point:
- “It's going to be a challenge to automate all of those variables to come up with a, "Go", "Do not Go", or "Go with caution" conclusion.”
The variables are easier to automate than you think, you just need the right tech team and the right experts in the matter (AI is an awesome thing).
- "1.How are you going to automate MSA variances? How are you going to build intelligence that says, "if the analysis of a subject property includes a property in a large pool of homogeneous data then return "X", but if the subject is rural, return "Y"? Is your tool going to go out and grab government data on zip codes?"
Not much intelligence to this. The property info including Land use and restrictions is easily available (for the sake of not making this post even longer, I won’t go into all the property details available). The only intelligence is the searching tool to allow us to filter by property details.
- "What if that property is a meth lab? What is that property has unpermitted add-ons? What if that property this or that?"
I think even the laziest Investor would at least send someone to drive by the property to see the if meth is involved in this endeavor, but believe it or not there are a few sources that will keep records of properties where a drug lab ever existed. If the property is currently a meth lab, the condition of the prop alone should deter anyone from buying it (unless these meth guys are extremely clean and responsible).
- "How is your tool going to account for unrecorded transfers of ownership or for that matter, recorded transfers? For that matter, what does the owner information tell you anyway as far as any type of strategy is concerned."
The owner information does not give much as far a strategy is concern, yet I think that you might find it important to know if a different owner is listed in several county records including the foreclosure action. For example, if Owner B is listed in 2 county records, but Owner “C” is listed in the rest….you might want to “Proceed with caution” and look further as there is definitely an issue in this case.
FYI: “Under Florida law, an unrecorded deed is void insofar as creditors or purchasers who have no notice of the transaction recorded in that deed”
- "Is your tool grabbing tax data from county websites and auto populating? What about those assessors that don't have on line data? What about those that may have on line data but don't have it updated? Is your tool going to be able to physically call the assessor to find out what taxes are owed and how is your tool going to account for the timing adjustments of billing periods for taxes?"
Yes to most of the above; we have access to 10 years of taxes paid or unpaid. If the balance is $0 “No issues found.” If there is a positive balance “Proceed with caution.” Those balances will be the bidder’s responsibility. This will change your bidding strategy as you should account for these balances.
- "Is your tool going on line and grabbing foreclosure case information? From where? How's that going to happen if there is no foreclosure case information in one central repository? What if its a trustee state and not a judicial state? How are you planning on getting that data?"
Florida does have that info and we got it. How? Good tech team and experts in this matter.
- "Docket entries? What docket entries? Again, MANY states are non judicial and don't have any docket entries and even in those states that do, you are saying some "bot" you create is going to log on to a secure site and somehow locate a case number, and some how download the docket entries? Defendant information? As stated, many states don't even have a defendant. There is no case. There is no docket"
Yes sir….done and Done! FYI all done by the book (APIs are great!!!).
- "Mortgage position? How you gonna find that out? Are you going to send your super genius and intelligent bot out to yet another central repository secured database that contains and updates mortgage position?"
You don’t have faith in technology do you? The short answer is Yes! We look for all mortgages, match them with assignments and/or satisfactions, etc. As for the remaining mortgage(s), our “super genius and intelligent bot” accounts for that. It will then match it to the mortgage being foreclosed on and verifies the position based on the recording date (as per FL law). There’s a little more to it but you get my point.
- "Liens? Requires a prelim. You aren't getting that on line. If you get it on line you are paying for it. If you pay for it and get it, is that super computer screen scraping the pdf and grabbing the proper schedule of the prelim to tell you where and what the lien position is, the lien amount originally, the lien amount now?"
Yes. There’s more to that but that is the end result.
- "Violations of what? I violate my golf game every time I take a club out of the bag but I'm not sure how your ability to somehow grab some undefined violation has any impact on a data point that tells you to buy or not buy. I assume you mean some kind of code violation but that rarely has any impact on anything other than to cut your lawn by the deadline the code enforcer told you to cut it by or, to remove the car on blocks from the driveway."
- "Open permits? I think you get my point by now."
I gotta admit I LOL on this one! Yes, CODE violations! The impact? Not as dramatic unless the Code Violation is for an illegal add-on. Also as you may already know “some not cutting the grass” CODE violations increase by $100 a day (true they can be negotiated), but why not know about it?
Open permits? I think you get MY point by now.
- "If you can automate all that? You're gonna be rich and famous, doing interviews with Robin Leach on your gold toilet seat cover."
I gotta be honest after reading your post this one got me excited, until I found out he already passed!
Thank you again for your feedback and questions Ron!