I'm trying to calculate my expected real profit vs the basic formula and seeing income tax taking a hefty chunk out. Is this right? Can you please correct me where I'm wrong? Simple numbers for sake of conversation below, leaving off CAPEX/vacancies:
Rental property price: 500,000
Down payment: 100,000
Taxes: $14,000 year
PITI: $3,000mo / $36K annual
Rent roll: $5K monthly / $60,000 annual
Expected profit: $24,000
But in reality the tax rate of 24% will be applied towards taxable income. Deductions applied:
Taxes: $10,000
Interest: $12,000
Depreciation: $10,000 (optimistically)
Thus income tax is: 0.24 x 28,000 = $6,700
Real profit: rent roll - PITI - income tax
SO: 60,000 - 36,000 - 6,700 = 17,300
So ROI goes from calculated 24% to 17%
Does anyone else see a flaw in this reasoning? 17% is still very good but the income tax is quite a drag. Is this the right general way to understand things?
I sincerely appreciate whatever insight you have.