I am in Texas and all of these answers are based on Texas.
1) you do not need a License to do PM if you Own the property. Weather you live in it or not. If you are doing management for others (Third-party Property Management) you need a Real Estate License, and your Broker has to maintain the trust account and allow you to do Property Management.
2) You don't have to be a Broker to do PM. But you need to be licensed, and have a Broker Sponsor you or be a Broker yourself. In either case the Trust account needs to be maintained in the Broker's name
3) Not sure how to answer this. what revenue? Are you currently managing property?
4) each state has different rules, it will be a state by state answer.
5) if you are operating the OM company as an LLC, then the LLC needs a designated Broker and the Trust account is maintained in the Brokers name.
6) In Texas there isn't a P<m specific license, it is governed under the RE License. I am not aware of a business license in Texas.
7) Consult a CPA. I recommend Badger and Badger in San Antonio.