Originally posted by @Simon Lloyd:
@William Wong My real estate agent has a side gig as a hard money lender and coordinator, ie. he links up lenders and borrowers, so my suggestion would be to start with a good RE lawyer in your area---not to say that all lawyers do this but most should at least know potential borrowers or refer you to someone who does.
As far as lending vs. purchasing properties yourself, there are pros and cons to each of course but to me one of the most important aspects of REI is **leverage** which you don't get with lending money, you'll only get the % as your ROI. There's a bit more legwork to purchase properties of course but factor in the appreciation and leverage and your money will go much farther.
I've heard the Ottawa market isn't that great for investment, ie. it's quite pricey and rental pool isn't huge. We had a mini meetup in Ottawa a few months ago with @Matthew Graham and @Richard York and they're looking to other markets for their investments.
Welcome to BP! Enjoy the community, there's so much here to learn regardless of which direction you head.
@Roy N. you mean you're NOT a socialist? Gosh, I thought all Canadians were...
You are right Simon, they are all Socialists.
They have really wierd stuff in here, I pay socialist taxes to cover healthcare and it costs less than a private healthcare insurance in US.The health cost per capita in US is the highest in the world because it's the best.
My wife had to go to the hospital 3 times and did not pay a dime, while sometimes with private insurance you still have to pay a flat fee each time you go there, crazy socialist stuff.
My buddy in US had his wife and daughter seek treatment and spent thousands, almost went bankrupt and started smoking, but he likes it. He may be on the hook for huge costs if he gets cancer because of these silly financial troubles, but hopefully if he is smart, he will not spend money and live with it and not take other peoples spot on treatment. the less people seeking treatment , the better and faster services will be.
I am making a lot of money in RE and IT and plan to retire before 40, even with these socialist laws, which makes no sense. Middle class here lives very well, with public transportation and public health and everything else is private, makes no sense. I moved from NYC like my buddies and living conditions are better here, which does not make sense either.
I radder live in a country where healthcare is fully private, that allows services to be a lot better and faster because poor people cannot access it, these people clog hospitals and clinics all over the world.
If a public health tax is cheaper than private health care, I dont care, I just don't want to pay taxes , period.
I can't wait to ge out of here and move to Missipissi to meet my buddies: