@David Barnett,
Hi David,
I totally agree with everything you just spelled out. 100%
My issue was that nice lady was in need of advice for her current situation. She is obviously stressed out with her situation. We come to bigger pockets for help. Help from people who have been through the situations before. And bp can share advice to help her ease her pain.
The comment the other person stated was irrelevant. It would have been great advice if he mentioned it to her before she bought in that neighborhood. Or even saying, here is what you could do in your current situation. But that she should consider investing i. A property's going fwd.
Like i said. I actually agree with A property's. But his response provided no solution to her situation at hand.
Thats all i was saying.
Thank you for your reply. Im not on here to go back and forth with someone. I just felt that if i was in her shoes, that I would hope BP individuals especially a 'pro' would actually help her!
Thank you again.