@Twana Rasoul Thanks for reaching out.
The reason why I want to pursue wholesaling RE because I feel like it’s a great entry level to get started with investing in real estate with little money down from what I been learning and along the way to start to create relationships that will have an impact in that specific line of work. I don’t know where to start or how to start that’s why I directly turned to enrollment at my local community college for a degree in real estate for summer term to learn the basics of Real Estate and maybe learn something I can adapt to the into the real world but I also feel like I did the wrong thing enrolling if people have don’t it without a higher education. I just don’t want to end up wasting my time looking for the wrong answer. Like I have mentioned I have a 4 month old daughter to look after so I need to hustle especially at the age of 20 I feel like I definitely can still squeeze in to make plenty of mistakes, risk, and most of all learn from it but what is most valuable is time and it’s running out , going for my AA in RE for 2 years is going to take up time but it could be an assets in the near future so If I’m going to college I’m going to have to make the best out of it because I refuse to be 30+ years flat broke no education and my daughter eating cup of noddles. It’s not like I am asking somebody to hold my hand through my career but to shine a light of guidance or advice me of what they went through to get to where they are at . People all over the media make it look very easy but I found nothing about real estate easy for me. It’s unique to say everyone has a story in Real Estate.