@Prady T., I think you nailed it: the TENANT BASE in Boston has low expectations, so even low quality buildings fetch great returns. Sad, of course, for those of us trying to create Class A assets, but you can't argue with supply and demand--it's simply reality. Boston will never drop in value, or, at least not until Harvard and MIT lose their status in the world, if ever.
@Darlene Julien investing here is not for the faint of heart. Many real estate transactions are cash deals, or they climb way past asking price if the property makes it to MLS. Prepare to be outbid again, and again, and again, and again. My last "loss" was to a Chinese pop star paying cash who told her broker that she would "pay anything to avoid a bidding war."
I agree that Chelsea, Lynn, Revere have bright futures--at least, I hope they do. Those communities have everything going for them geographically. My fear is their governments don't have the vision.