Im surprised this thread got this long without me knowing about it!! Next time, send me a mention!
investors doing extremely well in these neighborhoods (including myself)
Im 5 years in, and since I do a good renovation before putting tenants in, I honestly average ~400/year in repairs on ALL of them, and I only had 1 eviction, everyone else has been 2+ years tenants, and love it.
Someone one here asked Ben how he would invest in these areas - for new investors - why would you ask someone who only invests in A neighborhoods, about investing in a C/D neighborhood? Would you ask someone who does commercial about expertise in residential? New investors - please ask someone who wants to do what you're doing, in the same asset class and field, if you want advice - Asking someone in Kentucky about Ohio is missing the point - its ALWAYS about location, location, location in ANY asset class.
I started this blog because too many articles where like this, and no one who was successful in this price range was talking about how to do properly and smartly. So, I started my own, but its amazing that people who have failed, or havent done them in the first place, can tell other people about them. But hey - more inventory for me and the others who understand this no-brainer concept.
Of course, there are caveats, but thats in ALL neighborhoods. You analyze sub30k properties with a different criteria than a high end neighborhood, but you analyze each one nonetheless. Its knowing the criteria that saves you the headaches.