That's completely false. Fire that agent! That response tells me they are either 1.)unfamiliar with HUD bidding/purchases and are therefore ignorant and intimidated by the unknown, or 2.) trying to get you to pay as much as possible. Either way, get away from them!
Shoot, there's even a HUD program for people in professions such as nurses, EMT workers, teachers, firefighters, LEO that will allow them to purchase the property for 50% of the asking price. (yep, HALF OFF!) (the people and the property have to qualify, but shoot, 50% of purchase price is good on almost anything, ESPECIALLY houses!
There are different bidding periods in HUD purchases. Exclusive means only o/o's can bid...and yes, the sales prices are usually higher there. Extended bidding means investors can bid...and you can get some pretty good deals.
Talk to someone who has experience with HUD and knows the hoops they need buyers to jump through...there are a couple doozies!
Good luck.