We have a house on a well. The water smells like rotten eggs. The house is used as an STR (we just went live) - built in 1928, remodeled with addition in 2018. It is near a lake and in a wooded area.
To get rid of the smell we have tried the following:
1. Sanitize the well with bleach.
2. Replaced the water softener.
The above efforts definitely helped and we thought we had the issue fixed, but the water is now smelling after the house has been vacant for a week or so.
We plan to get the water tested for Sulfur, bacteria and iron. The test results take 10 days to come back. We do not have any bookings until late November, but want to keep the schedule open for potential revenue.
Depending on the results of the water test we plan to add an iron filter and/or replace the magnesium rod in water heaters.
We have discussed inspecting water lines to see if we need to replace or god forbid drill a new well.
We are attempting to get the issue resolved ASAP.
What would be your next steps? Are we missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance for any insight.