Hey all,
Just posting an observation and seeing if anyone else from Northern Cali or elsewhere has seen the same.
I used to see bandit signs all over Sacramento, sometimes several per telephone pole, but about 3 months ago, they just up and vanished.
I own a parking lot surfacing company in Sacramento so I am driving to different areas of Sacramento, chico, stockton, modesto, fresno, you name it ALL day, and have been looking for them in particular. So I don't believe its just my perception.
That leads me to think one of two things:
1) The county or cities have begun cracking down on the signs (Because they are illegal in my area without a permit and you cant get a permit to put one on a telephone pole or other city property) either fining hard or just taking them down so fast that the investors arent getting the calls.
2) The market is so seller favorable and deals are so scarce due to the raising home prices and improving economy that the lack of opportunities do not justify the cost of the marketing.
I think number two is more likely, because lets face it if investors were making deals happen on bandit signs no 1000 dollar fine is going to stop them. I wonder if direct mail marketing is having the same troubles...
So whats happening out there? any thoughts?