Originally posted by @Bryan O.:
It seems like everyone is commenting about "use your reserves" or "kick them out". All of my bank documentation for rentals has a section that requires:
"RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the other hazards..."
Which means your policy should have rent loss claim capability. My insurance company calls it "Fair Rent Value". I have not yet had a chance to look into the exact coverage scenarios, but assuming your tenants being forced out of work by the government and then halting evictions is covered then the scenario is already planned for and already insured against (by those using "normal" home loan leverage).
Any insurance folks have input here?
Insurance will not cover for this event. The provision for rental income or business income in the case of a business requires "direct physical damage," i.e. fire, pipebreak, wind damage, ext. There are also clauses for "civil authority." However, once again as there is no direct physical damage insurance will not be covering this event.