Hello everyone, I am going through the steps to establish a wholesaling business in Fort Worth, Texas. I will be sending out a thousand post cards to several areas in Fort Worth to absentee owners. I am contacting investors who send me post cards to my residence and putting them in my data base as potential buyers and contacts.
Since I am able, I listen to podcasts to educate myself while still working an 8 hour shift. I am reading a variety of investment related books and also listening to audio books. The bottom line is that I am preparing myself for a campaign that I know will generate phone calls and deals.
Furthermore, in preparation of getting a deal under contract, I have also been investigating the type of contract and the verbage that should be in a contract to present to a potenial seller as well as where to open escrow.
I am still investigating what verbage should be in a wholesaling contract, but I have also found, through some BP posts, that I could have a potential problem in opening an escrow with a title company because it's an assigment contract. Is this true? Also, does anyone know of a title company in Fort Worth, Texas that works with wholesalers? I greatly appreciate any feedback concerning this matter.