This is a time for magnification. Growth, in other words. In that point that is why I'm called here today to further my knowledge in the economic downturn we see before our eyes today. In the sense of luck, us investors can always seek ways of coming out on top; but only does the magnification of luck can be enhanced by magnification of knowledge, that is why I am here.
My name Tristan Osborne, I am a fresh 21 years old with a work ethic unmatched by anyone my own age. My friends focus only on the present state of "what is right now" exempting the fact of "what could be" in the future. To which ultimately results into stagnation, procrastination, fear, hesitation, and bitterness. I cannot relate to that mindset and it brings me to my next point in saying that due to the neurological difference I have, I feel singled out. Isolated. This fueled me into performing action.
In June of 2019 I was so finished with the behavior of people my own age I started taking action onto who I knew I really was. I started investing in the stock market. Started with just $5.00 less than a year ago and I have scaled that amount to roughly $25,000. I never knew it was possible while reading, watching, and learning. Only then I knew it was possible when I put the knowledge to work. I didn't have more than $5.00 to my name last June along with fake friends, dysfunctional family situations all hitting at once. I hit a breaking point and turned it into a breakthrough. In result, I scaled my assets 420,000 %.
Capitalizing on what I currently obtain, I am now seeking more knowledge. My next move. The next level. The next breakthrough. That brings to the core highlight of this post in-asking: What can Airbnb Investing bring short/long term? Is it a new and dependable form of real estate? Or is it a one-hit-wonder and lose demand?
I've studied and read the basics of this subject from Brian Page and examined the potential amount of cashflow and staggering ROI. I appreciate your time in anyone who has given this a skim. I hope everyone is staying safe. Shoot back replies at anytime.
Tristan Osborne