Hello all. One of my clients just got a really simple claim turned down by his Berkshire Hathaway owner's policy.
Someone broke in, and cut all the electric out of the basement. Berkshire said theft isn't covered, but vandalism is. So, if these bozo's would have cut all the wire, and left it on the ground it would be covered, but since they took it, it's not. This seems insane to me.
I have Nationwide Commercial on my own stuff, but that only makes sense if you have 10 or more properties. We did a full round of interviews with several carriers about 36 months ago, and chose Berkshire based on that research-which obviously didn't pan out!
What is the best, least expensive, policy for a landlord with 2 or 3 houses?? Does anyone know of a checklist of coverages that we should confirm prior to choosing a policy?
I'm starting to research it now, but any input would be greatly appreciated! We operate a PM business in Columbus, Oh.