I am the current buyer looking to buy two pieces of land with 3 studios on one of the plots of land. The owner has had the electrical power turned off bc I own the 3 single families next to his studios. His studio was pulling power from one of my single family homes. The problem is the owner of the studios has no power currently. Next, he wants to continue to use his studio as he does work out of it. Third, he wants me a life estate with this property and land and the man is 74 years old. I have asked if I could at least rehab and rent out one of the studio he currently uses for his art studio. My current 3 single families have an easement with his land that has the studios on it. I am not sure if I should turn his power back on in return for the deed with a little cash down??? He also is a owner of a single family next door too. The other idea I have thought about is offering up owner financing to his primary house as he continues to live their. Just not sure how I can make any money and be in the red??? Looking for some ideas