First, I'd have to preface this by saying that I'm not an attorney, and I am NOT qualified to give you legal advice.
What I can tell you is what we have experienced. We have owner finance wrapped hundreds of houses. To our knowledge, there is only one other person / entity in DFW who has conducted more owner finance wrap transactions than us. We have never had the due on sale clause exercised, nor have we ever heard of it happening. There has been one instance where the bank called up and threatened to exercise their due on sale. We told them to go right ahead; they took no further action. We do not hide the title holder by first putting the property into a trust, then transferring beneficial interest in that trust. If you have to hide the transaction from anyone, you probably shouldn't be conducting that transaction.
Think about it from the bank's perspective. How does a bank make money on mortgages? Well first they originate the loan and charge closing costs / fees. Next, they turn around and sell the note to another institution, at which point they become a loan servicer on behalf of that institution, and are collecting monthly fees for that service. So - having one of their mortgages wrapped does not, in any way, impede their business model or take away from their profitability. In fact, I would argue quite the opposite - letting us wrap the note is actually beneficial to the bank. Reason being that if we did not wrap the note, the (motivated) seller would not be able to sell the house or keep the mortgage current. If the note is current on the payments, then the bank has a performing asset - which fits into their business model.
Furthermore, the bank has substantial costs associated with exercising a due on sale clause. First, they would have to pay an attorney to process the foreclosure (on a performing asset!?). Next, they have substantial holding costs while they try to find out a way to get rid of this property which they now hold on their books. Banks are not in the business of holding property - they are in the business of lending money and collecting fees. For investors, property goes on the asset side of the balance sheet, and debt goes on the liability side. For banks, that is reversed - property is a liability, and debt is an asset.
If you are genuinely concerned with the due on sale clause, I would recommend that you either partner with someone who has conducted many owner finance wraps over the years to assist you, or simply don't get involved in an owner finance wrap transaction.
There's a million strategies out there - you don't have to do them all!