@Cheri Crane
You have multiple options.
1. Buy & Holds: With $100K you could get into roughly 4-5 properties in the Tacoma/Olympia area. These properties would cash flow and have equity. If you find the right ones, you will be able to pull some of the initial investment out. There are also places outside of Washington where you could buy cheaper properties and either pay for them outright or finance small amounts and possible pick up 10-15 properties. Each state/region will have its pluses and minus as far as investments go.
2. Flips: You have enough to finance the down payment and either some or all of a small to medium renovation project.
3. Loan to others: There are a variety of different people and institutions that you could loan your money to that would make you varying rates of return. BE VERY careful and do your research before deciding to go with any option. I own a hard money lending company and would be more than willing to discuss our options and guarantees with you.
I do not know much about the crowd funding arena, so I will let others speak of that option.
I wish you the best in your investing future. Send me a message if you would like to bounce any ideas or questions that you might have.