@Tom Smith
Just wanted to thank you for everyone’s input. It was very helpful. My tenant ended up moving out, some cleaning and damages but nothing major. So I’m going to waive everything and move on. For more details feel free to ask.
But I can say tenant and I had a great relationship up until a plumber I hired in March 2020 told the what he thinks was wrong (outside of the job he’s doing). I couldn’t be there for the repairs and trusted him/the company (HOPE PLUMBING). Mold and backed up sewage Is what he told them. Of course they freak out, demanded immediate repairs or not going to pay. I said you’re still obligated to pay and illegal to use that as a reaso. Fast forward I get out there to find the mold, is on the surface and easily wiped off. Its from tenants not properly ventilating the bathroom. the window needs to be or fan it out. Bathroom is up to code. His reason for thinking sewage back up, worms were coming out of the toilet screw openings. Problem like this is a poorly seated/sealed toilet seat. Those worms were drain fly larvae, totally harmless, just yucky. New wax ring fixed it. No back up whatsoever. Tenant was happy with the repairs and had them send me in writing, satisfaction of it.
Problem: 1) plumber should ONLY consulted with me on this, because your contract is with me. 2) Plumber made assumptions without closely verifying, maybe in purpose. 3) Created so much tension between the tenant and I, to the point I ended our month to month lease. 4) conclusion, plumber did this because he knew I’m a remote landlord. 
So, I was flexible and we agree on a move out date due to the quarantine. I get May rent but it’s late and I waive the fee to be nice. Then the Floyd and BLM thing hit,  I get no rent in June 2020 and now I have a potential squatter/opportunist. All courts close with an indefinite date.  Tenant sent a screenshot of Indiana website about courts being closed. I’m going great they know and they’re going to take advantage like the looters, rioters, and protesters. I’ve been on that site and I told them to click the next one it says you’re still obligated to pay. If you decide to stay and not pay, it will just accumulate until the courts do open and you are evicted. I will also charge late, court fees and any other fees/costs from this. I win the judgment, will garnish your wages and report on your credit.
All this started from the plumber trying to create more issues/work and tensions for a remote landlord! Know your stuff!