Welcome to the BP community. This is the place to find all the information necessary to make that first plunge.
@Wale Lawal, you are right on point on area. That is a great list of considerations for what most investors are looking for.
As for the strategy, I know all the hype is behind Brrrr, but this comes with a lot of risk for the first investment. Many of the investors I talk with have themselves or know someone who has tried the Brrrr and ran into one of the many stumbles that this strategy has. Not to mention trying to do this from a distance. Unless you are in the area or have a team that you know can handle the entire proses, be carful.
Many of the investors I work with find, you can find a new construction investment, in an area of obvious appreciation, that cashflows day one. You have less repairs and own a property for the best years of its life. Then if you can find this with a turnkey provider that has veneers for you to use, the investment is much less risky and can have some similar returns over time.
Please connect if you would like more detail.
Best of luck.