Hello everyone,
So I'm getting ready to start working on a standard operating procedures manual for my business. I only own and manage one rental property right now but I plan on having a lot more and it is never to early to start working ON your business. So I want to be able to have procedures written down for as many situations as possible. This way, when I need to hire people to manage my properties, I can use the manual to teach them exactly how things are done. Examples of things I want to include in the SOP manual is what needs to be given to possible tenants, how to go over the lease with a tenant, how to handle maintenance requests, how to handle emergency situations, etc.
I would like to get ideas from fellow landlords on things that can be automated in the property management business so they can easily be taught to future employees. I want systems in place to run my business, so they more ideas the better.
Cant wait to hear what you guys got!