Thanks all. I should've provided a little more detail. Yes, it's in the US (Innsbrook, MO if that affects the decision). We have a sign on the toilet to only flush TP and there isn't an issue with that. It's not septic (it's sewer with a grinder pump) but the resort stipulates TP only (no idea why, just following rules). The only issue is, I'd like to install a bidet (the toilet add-on variety) because I'd like to use one when we're using the place but I can't get my wife and partners (in-laws) on board because they think it will weird out renters. I'm of the mindset that it won't affect renters at all really and they'll either try it or they won't. I'm looking for opinions as to whether you think a bidet would cause a negative reaction to the point that we shouldn't install one or if it would be a neutral reaction and installing for personal use (or renter use if they choose to) shouldn't be an issue.
@Paul Sandhu ah yes Bon Air, Alton, IL's claim to fame. Brings people in from all over! Great for people watching while knocking back a cold one.