I work as a realtor and vacation rental property manager in Galveston and I still recommend to most of my clients to self manage if they can. If you are able to get systems in place, it can be rather streamlined and can obviously add to your bottom line. Here are a few main things I'd recommend.
BeyondPricing/Wheelhouse - They are great dynamic pricing tools with some customizability. Once you have them set up, simply log in once a week or so and adjust your base price based on your occupancy. This will insure high occupancy and maximize income. For my market, I shoot to stay in the 50-60% range for the next 30 days with last minute guest filling in the gaps but every market is different. Costs 1% of booking price
Turnoverbnb - This is a great tool for coordinating with cleaners. Simply sync up your calendars from every site you are using for bookings. It will automatically email the cleaners when there is a booking, give them updates if dates change, and even cancel the cleaning if you get a cancelation. Obviously finding reliable cleaners are a must have as they are your eyes for the property. Make sure they offer laundry services and will put out any paper goods. Cost is $8 per property
Amazon - Create a cart with everything you use in your property from paper goods to soap to linens. Anytime your cleaners warn you that you are getting low, simply order it and have it shipped to the house itself or to the cleaners. I let the guest know if I have supplies coming in and simply ask them to set them inside for the cleaners. This way if say two coffee mugs break you can order a brand new set of the same type and have them there within a day or two.
Smart lock - Always use a smart lock! It makes a world of difference. If you feel like you'd like to change the code often, get one with the ability to connect to the wifi so you can do so remotely. Even if you are using a smart lock, put two wall mounted lockboxes on the property somewhere out of the way. The first one will be the guest back up in case there is any issue with the smart lock. The second is the back up of the back up that's yours as an owner. I had one time the smart lock went out on a property due to extreme humidity getting in and frying the board (Yay Galveston weather!). I was out of town at a wedding so I gave the guest the code for the back up key and made a note to change out the lock. The next day I get a call that they lost the key at the beach!! I had them take the back up back up key and make a copy and lock it back up. Saved me from having to get a locksmith out while I was 6 hours away.
Really all you are left with after these tools is guest communication and any maintenance. If you want to automate further there are tools to automate a few messages to make sure guest get information. Any maintenance comes down to finding reliable people who are willing to send you photos before and after to show you the work completed.
With a newly done unit, hopefully you won't have too many issues! It is definitely worth trying out just to get a feel for it. If it isn't your cup of tea you can always call a management company but you won't know unless you try!