Joan, thanks for answering my question. I was prepared for him working a lot. I wasn't prepared for not seeing him at all (or for seeing him in a zombie state from total exhustion). We have had some heart-to-heart conversations this week and he has blocked out time next weekend for a date with me. We even got the RARE Saturday night date last night because they offered him the night off at his bartending gig. He worked nearly all of today but we did manage to attend church together this morning, so I felt prepared and "filled up" so that having him come home at 6:30 tonight was not a disappointment to me. I think we are starting to navigate the waters better. I am all for flexibility. I used to own a business, so I get it. Just wasn't sure if he should even be blocking time out since he is so fresh. He just started less than 3 months ago and is juggling 10 clients already so time management has been crazy, to say the least. I also work 10 hour days, so it can be challenging. ;) Thank you, again, for the input on blocking off time now rather than later.