What can you afford per lead?
Do you have a lead capture page?
It says ur in Dallas thats a huge CL market, you should be able to create 1 lead per2 post IF you are not getting ghosted by craigslist. Post your ads mid day and sunday and post 5 in 20 mins if you have 5 properties, (some people fudge and post other properties and say they dont have that house anymore but thats a bad way to start off)
After you post google "free public proxy" and surf the internet through there and go back to craigslist and search through post and see if you see ur ads, i bet you wont, clist is sneaky.
If you do make sure u have a SIMPLE opt in page form hooked to a auto responder (or much better customer management software) And keep hitting the list. In dallas u should be able to get 2-3 a day per clist account. IF you learn clist, WHICH ISNT EASY, you can get 10+ a day with a couple accounts... You can even hire foreigners to post if u do it right, about 15 cent a post. But it takes some time and patience, if you do not have that I would not start.
It only seems like a good idea months down the road when u have a database, so don't worry if it seems not awesome for now, it will be. Once you get a list you can bribe others with a list in ur area and double your action!