Peter - The house is in fact on Chase St. I've been asking around and near as I can tell, it's a circumstantial case whether or not it needs to be code compliant prior to change of ownership. I've tried reaching out to the fire marshal's office but got nothing but crickets. It's certainly not something I will let slip, I'm just trying to make sure I can get my hands on it first and then deal with what I need to.
Jake - Appreciate the insight. If I do manage to get my hands on the property, you better believe it's going to be sorted out so I can get on that exempt list. I was definitely intending on getting the whole building up to snuff because I was intending on renting out the lower portion after 3 years anyway. Better now than later.
John - Thanks for the extra items to keep an eye out for. I'm fairly certain all of the electrical was re-done at some point in the past to get rid of the old knob and tube style. It will need updating for smoke/CO detection. This is my first time getting into a house this old, so I'm sure I'm in for plenty more surprises as time goes on.
Appreciate the responses from everyone! I will keep things updated as we move forward.