Hey guys,
Timing chain on the Mercedes just went last week, and now the transfer case on my Durango just went leaving my wife and I without transportation. I was looking on Google for a decent commission advance company that would loan over $10k 30 days out. Everyone I have seen caps at $10k. Im looking for an $11k advance on a listing I have both sides of. Its an REO deal where my take is $13,995 net. Since Im closing in under 30 days and needing transportation now, I need to move immediately as I have around 18 active listings currently, not to mention a thriving BPO valuation business. Any pointers to a company that allows you to take the amounts Im looking for would be greatly appreciated. If you are seeking as a private investor, I can return your investment $1k richer for your kindness, and of course secure said transaction with a standard commission assignment agreement of course fully executed through my broker of record. I do these advances all the time, but I need more than usual to secure cars for my wife and I. Any recommendations would be welcome. PM me if you need more details. Im in NJ.