Christy, the reason I am learning about the real estate market right now is because I am actively investing in the stock market and am also considering the options market. I write a free investment newsletter that provides unbiased research about stocks and my website also covers some of the basics of stock investing.
When I first started, had I known what I know now about investing in stocks, I would have been richer by tens of thousands of dollars. I realized that there are two ways to learn. The long, hard and slow way of learning from experience (which is an excellent way to learn) or the smarter and hopefully faster way from other people who are willing to share their experience (either through books, on a forum or in person).
SamGreen made a very wise comment about mistakes shortening the length of your investing career. So instead of sitting around, I am trying to learn about a different field of investing (real estate) long before I plan to take the plunge.