When you tear houses down for a living, you NEVER want your phone to ring and the first words out of someone's mouth to be...
"Wrong House"
But that just happened. Luckily we didn't tear down the wrong house, but we did end up with the wrong house on our siteplan. The ORIGINAL house accidently made it onto our PROPOSED siteplan that was APPROVED by the county!
When the inspector showed up to do his initial inspection, first thing he noticed was our permit for a second story addition didn't match the siteplan. The inspector also wanted an ORIGINAL stamped copy of the foundation plan and foundation letter from our engineer in the permit box, which we have, just not in the box...A quick call to our surveyor got the siteplan corrected...
But now we have to have it reprinted, RESUBMITTED to the county to get stamped, and back into our permit box BEFORE we call call back to reschedule this inspection. Hopefully this won't cost us too many days, but it has already brought our demo to a standstill since we don't want take the roof off without a clear path to put one back on ASAP!