Originally posted by @Jordan Stoneman:
After going through this with the court, does anybody feel like a cash for Keys scenario would have been better than going through the court process? Just trying to get an experienced opinion here?
Absolutely not. In this case, the tenant had ample opportunity to request a payment plan or go through DHS (social services) to get assistance. The fact that she didn't, until the last minute, tells me she didn't need help (and the fact that DHS would only kick in about $250), tells me she was not paying her rent for some other reason other than financial difficulty. She was playing a game and she lost. To give her money, would be a reward for bad behavior.
The court experience wasn't that bad. In Michigan, its pretty cut and dry, did you pay the full amount by the deadline? Yes or no? If the answer is no, the tenant needs to move out. Filing the motion (bogus motion that it was) bought the tenant two extra weeks, but the result is the same, she has to move. The only thing I would do different would be to never alert the tenant in advance that the sheriff is coming to evict them. In that time, she went to court and filed the motion, which delayed her eviction. As a result, I'm probably not going to have another tenant until mid September or later.