Thanks @Bill Gulley for different perspectives.
Update on negotiatiion: I visited the property today and showed him 3-4 different options in terms of seller financing. He was confused and I had to send him an email to present offers. He was concerned with tax situations about how and when he is going to be taxed. He will talk to his CPA and will probably get back to me.
His priority is total amount he will get and is open to seller financing. Other investors offered him cash or lease options that he did not like.
Market value is about $175K, and repairs needed to make rent ready $8000. He's asking $187K.
Basically my offers are something like this.
A) Total amount to seller at maturity $150000: principle only $500/month for 7 years, the rest to be paid at maturity. down payment $5000
B) Total amount to seller at maturity $160000: principle only $550/month for 10 years, the rest to be paid at maturity. down payment $5000
C) Total amount to seller at maturity $165000: interest only $260/month, 10 years balloon. down payment $5000
D) Total amount to seller at maturity $179000: principle and interest $570/month for 12 years balloon. down payment $8000
Any input or suggestions are greatly appreciated.