Hi Lance,
In the small towns outside of DFW...we have found plenty on lots that can be had for $8-12k.
That price tag is also a little misleading (not intentionally so)...in my wife's family...who will work for beer and pizza...there are 2 carpenters...a licensed plumber...a licensed electrician... and a building inspector. All, of who, will share in the fruits of our labor...only on a delayed basis.
So we are definitely in a unique situation...however...I have never understood why that is so...
I met a carpenter in San Diego once who was working on a restaurant interior...he shared with me that he had a regular job and that this was sideline work (on a Saturday).
He agreed to do a job that would normally have cost the owner around $20k for no cost up front (except the cost of the materials) but after the place opened he would receive % of of sales for the next 5 years...this would amount to around $400-500 per month...around $5-6k per year and somewhere around $25-30k to complete the transaction.
He charged a premium for his service for delaying the payout...he admitted to me that he was "just an average" carpenter...but that this job would only take him about 4 weeks...working nights and weekends...moonlighting from his regular job.
He told me that he normally would have only been paid around $10-12k for the work he was doing....but that the owner...who was coming out of his own pocket for this work...was happy to have delayed the payment and therefore did not mind paying the premium...nor did he mind...paying a further premium (in the form of a percentage of sales)...to be allowed to pay out for the work performed.
Everybody won...he was payed VERY well for the work he performed (albeit on a payout plan)...the cash strapped owner was happy about the arrangement...he got to payout for the work over time and IF his doors closed, the deal was off...BTW, the restaurant/bar is still open to this day 18 years later...
The real kicker...was that the carpenter shared with me that this was the 14th project like this that he had done in the last 2 years...and that although most of the jobs were much smaller than this one...they were all paying him something every month...at about TRIPLE what his normal rates would have been for each project.
My question is...why are we ALL not doing business like this?
Lol...I just realized I climbed up on a soapbox for something you didn't even ask about...my bad
Sooooo...uhh....Small towns outside DFW with help from family to keep costs down.
Sorry to drone on. Happy New Year! Thanks for your question.