Neighborhood A:
Crime reports indicate in 2008 there have been 6-7 burglary in the neighborhood, 1 arson, 6-7 assault and battery (domestic).
No sexual assault, no armed robbery or car theft.
No murder so I guess that means no chalk outline lol.
Quite a lot of the houses have junk in the back yard (not many in the front). But many are in need of cosmetic repairs (a couple people got REALLY artistic with the bright colors, but apparently got distracted and never finished).
I didn't notice no trespassing signs, but I did notice a lot of beware of dog signs...
p.s. Why don't people throw away all their junk? The neighborhood would look 10x better if they did.
There are a couple of units for rent that are not maintained at all, I guess that makes them slum lords?
The neighborhood has potential but there is another neighborhood around the bend that is a step up from this one. There are less homes for sale there but they are going for much more. It is maintained better and has had less crime too. But as a starting investor the price difference may be too much.