@Steve Olafson
I agree with you. I don't think debt is ever the problem. Even when we are considering "bad debt". Our psychology is the problem.
You absolutely learned, but like the analogy of a zookeeper and a lion. Even though you are very experienced with debt, you are still at its mercy. If debt is used it should be done with extreme caution and with careful stewardship. The risk comes when you have to rely on other people to pay this obligation for you. So you better make sure of a few things.
- These people are highly qualified to pay your obligations.
- These people will be glad to pay for it because they love the building and its location.
- You love to own it and it is well worth the risk of the obligation.
- There are no physiological factors that have impaired a proper application of your analysis
- And do you have the ability to significantly increase value 20%-30% above and beyond the debts within a few months of acquisition. If you had to sell this building tomorrow for 80% of a fair market value, could your debts be paid?
The end goal for investors is the same: Eliminate debt altogether. If that is the end goal, how is debt really good?
I am not arguing that debt is bad. It is neither good or bad.
Debt is always neutral.
I would like to hear if anyone has heard of a debt free business going out of business?