It is possible to do your own taxes correctly with TurboTax, but there are some things to watch out for. A big one is make sure you carried forward any unallowed passive losses from your previous year's form 8582, and other carry forward amounts from your previous tax return. If you have rental properties, there's a very good chance you had built up some unallowed passive losses, and if you don't find that info from your previous return and enter it in the software, it just goes away. Just this week I filed an amended return for a client that used a CPA/EA who did their taxes and completely neglected to enter their passive loss carry forward (even tax pros often make that mistake). And that means missing out on what can often be a huge tax savings in future tax years.
The other thing people tend to often get wrong when they do their own taxes is depreciation. It's not really optional, you essentially have to claim it, and this is another item where you have to be sure to correctly enter the past depreciation amounts from the previous tax return.
Other than that, mistakes related to expenses are common, and not electing things like the De Minimis Safe Harbor election, which can save you if you get audited.
An option you might want to consider if you do your own taxes is at least have a tax professional review your return after you complete it (but ideally before you file it). Not all tax professionals offer that as an option, but some of us do, and it can be a fairly inexpensive service.