Some hard money lenders will lend to you even if you are a first-time home buyer. They will also be your answer to your rehab financing needs. Since this deal is being bought for a low cost, many hard money lenders will pass on it unless it is an extensive rehab with a significant value add.
Your lender will direct you in the best direction regarding insurance, title, and pretty much most closing tasks. When I do hard money loans, I run title, get an insurance quote for the borrower, and do the desktop appraisal on the deal. You will need builder's insurance for the rehab and landlord insurance to hold it as a rental. Again, your lender will tell you what requirements they need.
CLOSE WITH AN LLC or another entity. It protects you the most as an investor. I would talk with a lawyer about how to structure it, but most of my borrowers use an LLC in the state of the investment property nested within a Wyoming LLC holding company. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE ON THIS. Hard money and DSCR lenders will also be ok with an LLC taking out the loan and holding title, conventional lending will not.