Thanks for all of your replies and great suggestions. As an update, we closed on the house 1.5 weeks ago and advertised it immediately (MLS, Craigslist, Zillow, Hot Pads, Military by Owner, etc.), and have not had one phone call or e-mail! Not even a Craigslist scammer or a Section 8 inquiry. The price ($1900 per month) is just below what similar places have rented for in this particular neighborhood, but is high for townhouses in the zipcode (most rent for about $1600-$1700--but those are smaller properties in less desirable communities). Granted, the inside still looks unfinished, but I don't think people could be getting turned off by that since no one has set foot inside. The only thing we haven't done is put a sign out front (afraid to advertise a vacant home).
Here is one of my ads if anyone cares to comment on what I might be doing wrong:
At this point we are thinking of just holding off until after the Holidays and doing most of the needed work ourselves (mainly painting and new flooring--as our contractor quoted us $8000 to do the remaining work). There seems to be no use in rushing to finish something that is just going to be sitting around vacant when we could save some of the money we are losing out on by not renting right away. Is this a good or bad idea?