Thanks Scott, I have been following this thread and even more so lately due to the Chrysler layoffs. You have posted a lot of positive news and that's great, however I am trying to get a better understanding of just how diversified Windsor's economy is, and ensure to a comfortable degree that it is not heavily dependent on the auto industry alone. Been reading a lot and there are conflicting opinions of course (from "we are on the rise" to "If Chrysler leaves, Windsor is dead") , and mixed up with the current talk of possible recession incoming it makes me a bit nervous. So essentially, I was hoping to hear your opinion on the effect of Detroit's booming economy on Windsor. Are there many people that work in Detroit but live in Windsor, do you see this percentage increasing and why? How do you see the job market outside of manufacturing in the next few years? I know Gordie Howe bridge is a big project and been wondering just how will they bring enough people to work on it, I'd imagine you need at least a few hundred ppl in various areas like general labor, project managers, skilled trades etc? Would the project employ mostly local workers and if not, where are these people coming from? Thanks for your time.