Hi, looking for purchase price advice.
I'm looking at a bank owned 3b 1ba 1300sqft 2 story home with large 2 car garage and fenced back yard that has been listed on the MLS for about 160 days. The neighborhood is quiet and in the middle of 2 cities, one 40,000 and one 70,000 pop. About 10 miles from each. The house is listed for $45,000 but after talking to the listing agent he knows it needs to drop in price. The house also needs a lot of work that I have calculated after getting different contractor bids and my own knowledge on rehab. Should be around $35,000 rehab costs. This is all still dependent on an inspection of the well and septic before purchase because I think that will change things big time if they are I need of repare or replacing. I have also calculated about $15,000 in fixed costs. So looking at the numbers it would be about $50,000 in rehab and fixed. The comps of 3:1 houses in the area are about $110,000. I'm looking for others thoughts on what my MAX purchase price should be and possibly what my start bid should be?