Hi Guys, My wife was a teacher when we started buying rentals and I was an engineer and bought rentals like you,,, then we quit. I did a few JVs, was a partner in a 5 way partnership that bought a moble home park as owner operators. I can offer a few lessons learned. I read the good comments re how "professionals" do partnerships, water fall fee structure, Sec registration of a syndication, etc etc.
1) Number one absolutely number one partnerships of freinds or family is nearly a guarranteed way to ruin your relationships with those folks!!! Ask around here on why JVs with friends go south. In my experience, you would be well served with a good contract attorney for the LLC op agreement, but words cant prevent relationship issues, disagrements, un expected negative results...
2) if yoiu can live within just your own means I believe you will be happier longer term. You'll still have your friends and relatives.
3) Debt is the best way to take in friends cash!!! Its simplest to impliment a security deed. Equity and operational sharing gets into the problem areas. Today after 10 yrs and 40 doors I would never do a JV. Newer folks think JV is some huge solution. Its more a case of risks and problems and just one or 2 benefits.
4) How ever you take in friends cash, please screen their risk tollerance. Ask; "are you ok with not getting any of your principal back in more then 5 yrs? How about if you only get your principal back?" IE some deals don't work out, some actually loose money. RE investors are too conditoned to real estate only going up!!!! It goes down too. Please folks; google right now; commercial deals going south due to not being able to refinance their balloon mortgages". Commercial is extremely risky right now, similar to 2009-13 where lenders aren't refinancing existing debt on perfectly good deals. Risking the deal going back to the bank.
5) hire a good contract attorney who does Operating agreements! Know your states Safe Act / Banking regs re pooling cash. You may have to do an SEC syndication to pool cash. It depends on your deal structure, and state banking / lending (borrowing) regs. Its not that simple to pool funds (depending).
6) Mentioned above the risks, pooling funds so you can get into bigger deals; apartment buildings,, self storage etc. Has been a way to put larger amounnts of cash to work. But today the lending environment has added high risk!! IE lenders only offering 5 yr balloons / rate resets / quarterly - annually re vetting the P&L of the deal/principals. Please dig into the fine print from commercial lenders if you go this route. Today the fine print can kill the deal come reset/refi time and you.
7) Please google "million dollar teachers". You have a secret strategy to ramp up your savings rate and a way to peel off your 403b savings periodically and making it available to buy rentals in a SD-IRA you move your 403b funds to. There's tricks and some challenge depending on your state's / counties teacher pension plans. My wife's SD-IRA (now moved to a solo-401k) has 18 rentals. The hocky stick effect allowed a single funding of $203k rolling a 403b into a SD-IRA and bought rentals some 10 yrs ago. We did use some non-recourse debt on 2 houses to buy 2 more. Today the 18 doors in the solo-401k only have debt on 2 at 50% LTV. It was fundied only once with just $203k. Learn how to buy rentals in a tax defered self directed custodian. A few good folks giving advice here on BP. We now use advanta ira. Look into how to create an active business so you qualify for a solo-401k the better way to hold rentals in a tax defered account.
8) ask others who have done JVs with friends!!! Learn from their mistakes. My #1 mistake in JVing was to not handle how the person who actually does the work gets compensated. Partners go in idealistic what they will al share in the work. Guess what this rarely happens. If there's no compentation in the Op agreement for the party that does the work,, I can share, there's much frustration and tension!
Great to hear of your current progress buying rentals!!! Great! Again; I suggest you figure out how to move to buying via creative deal scenairos; Lease Option to buy, keep and rent. Buy subject - to (my current focus). You won't need new mortgages and not as much cash per deal. I give out a free sub-to training PDF; connect/PM me.
Instead of JVing and using new debt, move to creative and take over old debt instead.
Good luck, curt