thank you for all the suggestions..
Where do you find used appliances? Also, where would I store them?
I live in Cincinnati but the condos are in Columbus...So one disadvantage of not being in the same city is that I can't just pickup and go see what's wrong and if it's something I can fix...or can be fixed.
This year sucked in a way because out of the 3 condos I have..I got calls from all 3 tenants for this and that...What's bad is when you call a plumber or electrician or HVAC person or repair person, they charge you just to come out and tell you what's wrong...then whatever they tell you, you kinda go by your GUT feeling..if you should move forward with this repair or replace.
Maybe I am doing this all wrong...Problem is I have a very full time job and it makes it a little hard.
One of the reasons I haven't hired a "property manager" because it's only 3 condos..and I am like if they are gonna take lets say 10% of my rent just to make those phone calls and dispatch those service people, then that's very expensive...
I don't understand how people live in one city and own rental properties in another and really make it work...