@Josue Velney I know this post is from a while ago but I spent time in a BNI group while I was a salesperson for a POS tech company in 2013/2014. If you haven't already experienced BNI or given it more though I think it *can* be worth it. It depends on the group and I would definitely go to a few as you can get a sense of people there. I am not a real estate agent, however I will say the group I was in was very helpful and even though I am not in it anymore I still utilize that network for advice and referrals. I worked with people years later and they helped me out a good amount in various areas. I know the real estate agent in my group frequently worked hand in hand on many deals with other professionals in the group which included insurance brokers, contractors, lenders etc.. Given that most of the group I was in had a lot of tenure there was a tremendous amount of repoire and trust built, and people provided the best advice and/or services regardless if that meant it benefited them directly or not.