I'm not sure what that book is about but you have no financial backing to be investing in real estate. How do you plan on financing your purchase? Banks won't give you money without a steady income stream.
Like others have said real estate is far from passive. You need to amass a large portfolio for it to be passive (aka hiring someone to manage).
If you want to be financially independent as fast as you can then you need to do a few things.
1) get as high of an income as possible (this usually takes schooling and/or experience, think high income profession - law, medicine,etc)
2) live as frugally as possible (you will sacrifice a lot here, think of not going out with friends, live at home/save on rent, etc)
3) invest as much as possible and I mean invest not yoloing on random hot tips (you are starting young, time will be on your side)
If you do this consistently and remain highly disciplined, you will get there faster than most. A lot of people who did the sacrifice and became financially independent regretted it. I think a lot of them realized that they could have enjoyed life a bit more and still got there relatively quickly.
Good luck!