Generally, a small claims action is not useful for a tenancy issue. You usually have to go Superior Court as in California. You may have to go to a Court of Common Pleas (I think that is the comparable court in PA) for the relief you are looking for has two components, damages in the form of money (rent arrears) and equitable relief - possession.
Small claims will only get you money and even that is limited in smaller courts by the amount of money that can be sought. further, small claims cannot grant equitable relief, again possession.
Now as to the tactic I would recommend. While it is "nice" that you are helping them, at what cost has it come to you? I am talking money time, headaches of communication and tracking them down to get them up to only two months behind. We all have difficulties but are the tenant's difficulties now your difficulties too? I understand a short term issue but this sounds like it has gone on for a while and its time to give them a notice to terminate the tenancy- You know that yourself since you are already looking it up.
It might be time to have a little "Come to Jesus" talk that it is time that they move and tell them you will let them walk now and will sign a waiver of past due rent or you will have to play a little hard ball and go after them for everything. Ultimately, they know it as well !
Caulk the lost two months of rent to a cheap education (I bet attorney fees alone will be that amount) and just get possession back.
I hope this helps