Not looking for out of state investors- perhaps if you've been scoping out the area and you're interested for whatever reason, and looking for win-wins. Then mayyyyyybe. Otherwise I'll probably respectfully decline.
I'm looking for someone in Hot Springs / Central Arkansas area and hoping this flags them. Seeking private lenders or financial partners to have a more personable REI relationship for both fix and flips and buy and holds (long and short term) market of Hot Springs specifically.
This will be in the sub 20k thru 40k range, with ARVs in the 30k-90k range (for FnF). B&H in the $500-$900 for maybe some SFR, but primarily searching duplexes that themselves are low buy fixer uppers, $500-700.
Tired of seeing $11k duplexes pass me by! I know you're out there, seen you running searches :) hah
Since the yeilds may be (will be) small potatoes at first, this may be suited for an individual who either already has, or has plans to venture out in the REI world, but may be hesitant on knowing the local market, deals, finding contractors (heard horror stories), etc. That's my side of the game, and speaking of which, I'll be happy to include my 'skin in the game' as well once we get to talking.
Oh, and shame you can't select more than one of the type of ad above, for example clicking 'partners' and 'financing', instead of one or the other. Just a thought